Knox, 24, and Raffaele Sollecito, 27, are challenging their convictions for the murder, which happened in Perugia.
A verdict in the appeal is expected on Monday.
Prosecutors have said they will appeal if the verdict is overturned.
However Knox would be free to leave Italy in the meantime, so any appeal may have to take place in her absence.
If Knox's verdict is upheld, she has one more chance to appeal.
PR agency Mr Mignini was critical of the publicity campaign Knox's family and their supporters have launched, both in Italy and in the US.
He asked the jury: "Have you ever seen a defendant who hires a big PR agency? She has a publicity campaign behind her that cost up to a million dollars."
And he said that, far from Knox being "crucified" by the media, as her supporters allege she has been, it is the police forensic scientists, who analysed crucial murder evidence, who have come under fire.
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